As I studied for last Sunday’s sermon on Luke 8:1-3 I was both convicted and challenged. I was convicted because of my own lack of impact when it comes to advancing the Gospel deeper into Wichita. Luke’s words are so simple. Jesus went to the cities and villages preaching the good news of the...
Thank God for the good reverend Spurgeon. Check this out ( Pyromaniacs: Encouragement for the "Narrow-Minded Bigot" ).
Baptist Press recently reported on an important messgae delivered by Dr. Tom Ascol at the Southern Baptist Founders Conference in late June ( Baptist Press - Gospel is focus of SBC unity, Ascol says - News with a Christian Perspective ). I would hope all Southern Baptists, indeed all those who call...
Protestants preach because God uses His Word as the means by which He calls together His people under the saving work of Christ. Preaching is the means by which God’s unfolding plan of redemption is declared to all those who have ears to hear. Preaching is a community conditioned activity. That is...
"Old Truth" has an interesting post ( Bait And Switch "Festival Evangelism" ) on some of our not so modern approaches to evangelism. What we are seeing is the sad but enduring legacy of Charles Finney's pelagianism.
On Albert Mohler's radio program Dr. Russel Moore has a very helpful discussion with David Powlison on the topic of depression ( The Darkness of Depression ).
I am a Protestant. There is no getting around it. And since “evangelical” has lost all meaning in the church today I find myself turning once again to that word birthed in the religious and political turmoil of the 16th century: Protestant. The Protestant Reformation was a movement of protest. It...
In the May 2006 issue of Christianity Today Mark Dever wrote this excellent article ( Nothing But the Blood Christianity Today A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction ) on the substitutionary atonement of Christ's work on the cross. Dever is the pastor of Capital Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C...
N.R. Needham, a wonderful church historian has written a very fine book called The Triumph of Grace: Augustine's Writings on Salvation. Follow this link ( Link: Augustine on the New Life in Christ ) to a chapter from that book that deals specifically with God's grace in the conversion of sinners...
This is a great messagae on God's sovereignty in suffering ( The Suffering of Christ and the Sovereignty of God :: Desiring God ). It was a message delivered by John Piper at the 2005 Desiring God National Conference. The text, audio, and video of the message are available by following the link. Be...