From Kevin DeYoung : Historically, Protestant theologians have highlighted four defining attributes of Scripture: necessity, sufficiency, clarity, and authority . Each of these attributes is meant to protect the truth about the Bible and safeguard against common errors. The doctrine of Scripture’s...
Before any great achievement, some measure of the same depression is very usual. Surveying the difficulties before us, our hearts sink within us. The sons of Anak stalk before us, and we are as grasshoppers in our own sight in their presence. The cities of Canaan are walled up to heaven, and who...
On Sunday I preached part 20 of our current series through Philippians. It is entitled "The Agreement That Trumps Division" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
In his new and helpful little book (a pamphlet really), The Freedom Of Self-Forgetfulness , Tim Keller writes: The ego often hurts. That is because it has something incredibly wrong with it. Something unbelievably wrong with it. It is always drawing attention to itself - it does so every single day...
How often we overestimate our importance! It's not that the way we live does not matter immensely, for it does. It's not that our living does not impact our effectiveness to advance the gospel, for it does. But let us not forget that the power of the gospel does not come from us. The gospel has...
I just can't figure out why Carl is so convinced that evangelicals have surrendered to a celebrity culture .
On Sunday I preached part 19 of our current series through Philippians. It is entitled "Follow The Right Example" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Inerrancy And Worldview by Vern Poythress Communion With The Triune God by John Owen Wherever I Wind Up by R.A. Dickey The Full Harvest by Charles Spurgeon Shame Interrupted by Ed Welch Gospel Coach: Shepherding Leaders to Glorify God by Thomas & Wood Transformed By God: New Covenant Life and...
Congratulations to Dr. David Garner (a friend to me and of Church of the Saviour) for his good work in editing the new book by P&R Did God Really Say?