[vimeo 41796801 w=400 h=300]
Great words for pastors.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTLfQ05Otk0&w=460&h=264]So , the video is only a single picture. The song, however, is amazing.
One of the things I love about the Basics Conference at Parkside Church is that the theme never really changes. Each year the focus is on some aspect of the pastor's role as preacher. It is refreshingly non-innovative. Alistair Begg preached the first message this year. His text was Acts 6:1-7: Now...
I do not know where I would be were it not for the clear evidence of God's grace in the lives of so many preachers before me. Charles Spurgeon is one of those men who have most captivated my attention because of the volume of his work and the honesty with which he wrote about his heart-breaks. I...
I have the privilege once again to attend the Basics Conference . Basics is the annual pastor's conference at Parkside Church outside Cleveland. I have been attending this conference for nine years and it is always a restful and challenging time. One of the helpful elements of the week is that I...
From Joe Carter : The Blasphemy of Barak Obama Mr. President, Earlier today you made a statement that will go down in history as one of the most audacious ever made by a sitting President. And no, I’m not talking about your admission that you supports gay marriage. The only thing surprising about...
Today, President Obama, looking strangely uncomfortable, announced his support for homosexuals to marry . Given the deadly combination of pragmatism and biblical illiteracy so common within evangelicalism, confusion on moral issues is sure to abound. Michael Yussef has written a timely call for...
From Carl Trueman: It makes sense that, if the enemies of the church, human and spiritual, wish to destroy her, they will subvert her from the inside. Persecution from outside usually has the opposite effect, strengthening the church and fostering growth. Modern China is the great example of this...
"Take me, for example. I opposed indulgences and all papists, but never by force. I simply taught, preached, wrote God's Word: otherwise I did nothing. And then, while I slept or drank Wittenberg beer with my Philip of Amsdorf the Word so greatly weakened the papacy that never a prince or emperor...