[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48CZ5F9bnJM&w=460&h=264]
I was blessed to attend Together For The Gospel once again (Thank you Church of the Saviour!). The content was outstanding. Check out the messages HERE . All of them are well worth hearing. I was particularly helped by those messages from Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, Kevin DeYoung, and David Platt. I...
I so appreciated Ligon Duncan's message at T4G. His text was 1 Kings 19 which describes Elijah's seemingly inexplicable fear and despair after seeing God's mighty work on Mount Carmel. How easily we give in to discouragement and fear! Take time to listen to this wonderful sermon: [youtube http://...
This month, Eerdmans is set to release a book attacking the doctrine of the Scripture's inerrancy . It is surely well written and accessible to the well-read layman. If the author holds to the positions in his previous book and articles for Biologos (all of which attacked the trustworthiness of the...
Great news from the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recording Trust . It was announced at T4G that the good folks at the MLJ Recording Trust will now be making some 1,600 sermons from "the Doctor" available free of charge.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18_PDY22Sck&w=460&h=342]
On Easter Sunday I preached part 12 in our current series through Philippians. It is entitled "God Highly Exalted Him" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
On my Christmas list this year is From Heaven He Came And Sought Her . The book even has its own website! One of the most beautiful doctrines in Scripture is that of Christ's substitutionary and definite atonement (You cannot have one without the other!). When Christ died he did more than make...
Over at Credo (one of my favorite online resources) Fred Zaspel offers a deeply moving reflection on the life and recent death of his beloved daughter. Please take time to read it and pass it along.
On the resurrection of Jesus: The Resurrection Of The Son Of God by N.T. Wright The Resurrection Of Jesus by Michael Licona The Meaning Of The Resurrection by Paul Beasley-Murray Scandalous by D.A. Carson Lifted: Experiencing The Resurrected Life by Sam Allberry