[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ms-gxEOtLA]
On this week's edition of Mortification of Spin , Carl and I interview Dr. Denny Burk about his new book What Is The Meaning of Sex? Check it out HERE .
A few of my thoughts on Sarah Young's mega-seller Jesus Calling have been posted at Ref21 .
Check out the newest addition to the online presence of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. It is called Place For Truth and is well worth checking in on regularly. As you may already know the Alliance sponsors Mortification of Spin and the excellent Christward Collective and Reformation21 .
On Sunday I preached part 2 in our series through Ruth. It is entitled "Grace In The Dark Places" and can be listened to HERE .
It has become clear that the university is no longer a place to think much less dissent from the wisdom of our cultural and academic betters. Do so and you may find yourself investigated by the BIRT (that's the Bias Incident Response Team for the uninitiated). The next scene of our story occurred...
Gloria Furman has written a terrific piece over at the Gospel Coalition on the importance of attending the church's corporate worship. This is a timely correction to the hyper-individualism characterizing much of evangelicalism and the "I like Jesus but not religion" mantra. Miss Furman offers ten...
Recently Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia hosted their annual preaching conference . The guest speaker was Harry Reeder of Briarwood Presbyterian Church. The following are two of the addresses delivered; one from Dr. Reeder and the other from Carl Trueman. //player.vimeo.com/video/78173183?...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is now online. Aimee Byrd and I talk about rich pastors of their great big houses. Specifically we talk about the dangers of pastors being treated as rock stars and elders unaccountable to the congregations they serve.
The long awaited Systematic Theology from John Frame has just been released and it is currently 50% off at wtsbooks .