Beginning in November I will be preaching through Ruth. I love the book of Ruth. It is the story of a small family during tumultuous times. It takes place in the days of the Judges when "everyone did what was right in his own eyes." In the midst of those terrible times God shines a light on the...
Are the miraculous gifts for today? Does God speak to His people outside His Word? These are some of the key questions that will be explored in the Strange Fire conference . It sold out quite early so the organizers decided to provide a live video stream of the event HERE .
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. You may also want to check out Carl's suggested rating system for listening to MOS. What has become of marriage in our society? When the rules are as bent as they are now, even something as absurd as "marrying" oneself is...
On Friday, Carl and I spent the better part of the day recording new episodes of the Mortification of Spin . We were joined by the Housewife Theologian herself, Aimee Byrd to talk about things like modesty, Halloween and the theology of preaching. We also spent some time with Gloria Furman about...
On Sunday I preached the final sermon in our series through Jonah. It is entitled "God's Amazing Scandalous Grace" and may be listened to HERE .
Jim Wallis, a leading light in the religious left, has released a YouTube video calling the "shutdown" of the federal government unbiblical. He is wrong. Wallis employs the very same tactics he has publically deplored when used by Christian conservatives. Take time to read the following two pieces...
Check out the latest edition of Mortification of Spin . Carl and Todd are at it again! Join them as they discuss Todd's "journey" to his new Presbyterian "tribe" from his Southern Baptist roots. Listen in and learn more about the distintives of church governmental structures between denominations...
Desert Springs Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico hosts an excellent annual conference called Clarus . I have never attended but I have listened to quite a bit of the audio. Carl Trueman has been a guest and has presented a number of helpful addresses. I encourage you to take time to listen to the...
On Sunday I preached part 4 of our series through Jonah. It is entitled, "Repentance, Anger, and the Mercy of God" and can be listened to HERE .