Michael Oh is chairman and founder of CBI Japan ( cbijapan.org ), which includes a graduate level theological seminary ( Christ Bible Seminary ), church planting efforts ( All Nations Fellowship ), and various outreach ministries, including Heart & Soul Café . Dr. Oh is the executive director...
Rachel Held-Evans made the news again for a piece she wrote for CNN's Belief Blog. In it she argues that the church must begin listening to the concerns of Millenials if it is to survive. She asserts that the church is losing the younger generation because it is too conservative, opposes gay...
The Good Book Company (an excellent publisher) has released a new series of books with the enticing title Questions Christians Ask . Titles in this series include: Is God Anti-Gay? And other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction by Sam Allberry Did the Devil Make Me Do It...
"I was asked last week why some evangelicals convert to Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. Reasons vary, I am sure, but I commented that one theme I have noticed over the years is the fact that evangelicalism lacks historical roots. That is not to say that it has no history; rather it is to...
From God's Prophet, God's Servant by John Goldingay I have heard many people whispering – There is terror on all sides. “Report him, let’s report Him!” All my friends are watching for my downfall. “Perhaps he can be persuaded and prevailed over, then we can catch him and take vengeance on him. -...
The latest issue of Credo Magazine is now available online. If you are not familiar with Credo I encourage you to check it out. It is an excellent resource and the entire website has a wealth of helpful articles. The theme of the latest issue is God's sovereignty in regeneration.
“In the church the risen Christ rules through His word. This is why the only skill required of church leaders is that they can teach, rightly handling and applying the word of God. Their authority is a mediated authority. They have no authority in and of themselves. Instead they exercise Christ’s...
It's no surprise that the media love Bart Ehrman. Through his highly promoted books, he mounts a seemingly endless attack on the reliability of the Bible and historic Christianity. Ehrman is a man on a mission. His disdain for the faith in which he was raised is, at times, palpable in his writing...
I have been thinking lately about how difficult it must be to serve actively in a church as a layperson. It isn’t the demand on one’s time that is the hardest thing but the more challenging demand on one’s heart. To serve a local body of believers is to inevitably be exposed to both the best and...
Now that I am moving from Philadelphia to Harrisonburg, VA (more on that later) I am being asked if the humble little podcast I record with Carl Trueman will continue. And since most of the evangelical world seems to be holding its collective breath over this vital issue I want to assure you that...