Kevin DeYoung has written an excellent piece on the World Vision flap. If you have not been following the story, Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision announced that the Christian charitable organization has decided that homosexual sex (inside "marriage") is not sinful and that one can be...
On Sunday I preached part 7 in our series through Acts. It is entitled A Sign of Things to Come and can be listened to HERE .
On Sunday I preached part 6 in our current series through Acts. It is entitled "An Ordinary Church" and can be listened to HERE .
Sad news from Rich Stearns who announced that World Vision (the organization he serves as President) has now changed its hiring policy . The Christian charitable organization will now hire practicing homosexuals. What a tragic endorsement of that which destroys the bodies and souls of so many. In...
Dr. Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently delivered the second annual Spurgeon Lecture at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. It is well worth the time to listen. //player.vimeo.com/video/89355676
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running: Sin. Loss. Deprivation. Law. Grace. Aimee, Todd, and Carl are joined by author and counselor Barbara Duguid on this installment of Mortification of Spin. Barbara is author of the book "Extravagant Grace," and grace is the topic at hand. How are...
The latest episode of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. The Spin team hit up their local Christian bookstore to browse the shelves and peruse the contents of some popular books. Based on the message of these books, the American Church is in danger of forgetting the truth of the...
The air out there in the evangelical atmosphere continues to get more noxious. In recent days it has been revealed that Mars Hill Church in Seattle spent over $210,000 to market the pastor's book Real Marriage . If you are wondering if it sounds a bit fishy for a church to spend over $200,000 of...
You ought to check out Carl's latest . I remember when he first began ringing the alarm about the rise of celebrity culture within the neo-reformed movement. He was largely dismissed or ignored completely. Well, the chickens, as they say, have come home to roost. The Elephant Room demonstrated that...
On Sunday I preached part 5 in our series through Acts. It is entitled "They Were Cut to the Heart" and may be listened to HERE .