Over at Ref21 I have begun a series of posts on the topic of battered pastors . One of the scandals in the contemporary church is the number of men who are driven out of the ministry every year. My goal in the posts is to both encourage pastors and assist churches in watching for warning signs that...
The latest episode of Mortification of Spin is up and running. What is the purpose of a robust theology if it cannot serve to practically help the believer? How does that theology play into God's sovereignty through our suffering? Aimee, Todd, and Carl talk with pastor and cancer survivor Paul...
I posted some thoughts over at Ref21 on whether or not we should respond to slander. I examine Paul's response to those who slandered him. At times he presented a clear and passionate defense. Other times he did not refute the slander against him. Is there a pattern that we can follow or learn from...
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. This edition of the Mortification of Spin marks the inauguration of a new game: Bully Pulpit Challenge! Carl, Aimee, and Todd respond to a listener's email asking for a critique of an interview that "pastor" Carl Lentz...
On Sunday I preached part 3 in our series through Acts. It is entitled "And Then There Were Twelve" (Acts 1:12-26) and can be listened to HERE .
I have often admired Martin Luther, and wondered at his composure. When all men spoke so ill of him, what did he say? Turn to that Psalm—"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble; therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be...
The Young Restless and Reformed movement which sprang to prominence in the early 2000's has received much praise and much criticism. Certainly a few of the more public personalities associated with the YRR have been a bit, shall we say, goofy. However I remain grateful for the YRR. I cannot help...
I am excited about a new teaching series from Ligonier on John Buyan's classic Pilgrim's Progress . It features well produced videos of the always terrific Dr. Derek Thomas. Dr. Thomas traces both the story and the biblical themes so faithfully represented by Bunyan. If you have never read Pilgrim'...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. Aimee, Carl, and Todd like to push buttons, and this week’s installment of the Mortification of Spin is no different as they discuss sexual ethics. Our current cultural milieu is one which exalts sexual behavior, and to speak out...
On Sunday morning during the first service as my wife and I were standing and singing with our brothers and sisters, she leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I'm so glad we're here." I could not have agreed more. We have lived for six months in Harrisonburg, Virginia where I serve as Lead Pastor...