The latest edition of the Mortification Of Spin is up and running. Is there such a thing as a tan Englishman? Todd and Carl debate the issue momentarily before focusing their attention on the recent news surrounded Pope Francis' universalist comments. If you're not familiar with the term "anonymous...
If you are not familiar with the website/magazine/blog CREDO then you ought to be. It is an excellent resource for Christians who want to grow in the knowledge of the Scriptures and the Faith once for all delivered to the saints. Each edition of the webzine is given to a particular topic. The most...
I am currently preaching through the epistle of Jude. The series is entitled The Alert Christian. Here is where we stand so far: Part 1 - "Slaves of Christ Loved by God" (vv.1-2) Part 2 - "Contend For The Faith" (vv. 3-4) Part 3 - "The Most Unpopular Message in the World" (vv. 5-16)
Here are a few new titles worth checking out... Living in the Light of Inextinguishable Hope by Iain Duguid The latest volume in the outstanding series The Gospel According to the Old Testament Journey To Joy: The Psalms of Ascent by Josh Moody Rebels Rescued by Brian Cosby I really enjoy Cosby's...
We call those things mercies which please us, ease us, suit our wants, and fall in with our cravings. Truly they are so, but not less gracious are those benefits which cross us, pain us, and lay us low. The tender love which chastises us the gentle kindness which bruises us, the fond affection...
History was made today by the Supreme Court of the United States. The door is now fully open to require all 50 states to recognize homosexual marriage. Time will tell how this will further our decline as a society. But in the short run it will certainly speed the rate at which Christians are...
The following panel discussion was hosted by Ligonier Ministries at the 2013 PCA General Assembly, with Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Ligon Duncan, Richard Pratt, and R.C. Sproul, moderated by Steve Nichols. It's well worth a watch: [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/68771601 w=400&h=300]
Tim Challies has been writing a series of posts entitled "The False Teachers." They are quite good and important given the fact that the church increasingly seems to believe that the only heresy is believing that there is heresy. Today he has posted an article on Harry Emerson Fosdick, one of the...
From The Juvenilization Of American Christianity : "Juvenilization happened when no one was looking. In the first stage, Christian youth leaders created youth-friendly versions of the faith in a desperate attempt to save the world. Some hoped to reform their churches by influencing the next...
The Silence of God by Andrew Peterson It's enough to drive a man crazy; it'll break a man's faith It's enough to make him wonder if he's ever been sane When he's bleating for comfort from Thy staff and Thy rod And the heaven's only answer is the silence of God It'll shake a man's timbers when he...