On the latest edition of the Mortification of Spin , Carl and I interview Aimee Byrd about everything from the threat of mountain dwelling cannibals in West Virginia to the importance of teaching doctrine in the church. Check it out HERE . [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCMxTqgumFo] You...
Jerry Brown, the Governor of California wound up in the news recently for signing legislation that allows "equal access" in schools for students who believe themselves to be "transgendered." That is, students in California schools who believe that they are not the gender into which they were born,...
As Carl has already pointed out over at Ref 21 , we recently interviewed Aimee Byrd about theology, women, the church, and her new book Housewife Theologian . You can also check out Aimee's excellent blog HERE . Never let it be said that two middle aged cranks like me and Carl cannot get in touch...
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing ( P & R ) will soon be releasing what promises to be an excellent new series of short books entitled Christian Answers to Hard Questions . Titles in the series include: Christian Interpretations of Genesis One by Vern Poythress Christianity and the Role of...
John Dickson is an Australian pastor, historian, and evangelist. Denny Burk has called Dickson's review of Reza Aslan's book on Jesus "the most devastating" he has read. After reading it myself, I must agree. In fact, if you read only one review of Aslan's best-seller, Dickson is the one to read...
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/71765067 w=400&h=300] I come, God, I come I return to the Lord The one who’s broken The one who’s torn me apart You strike down to bind me up You say you do it all in love That I might know you in your suffering Though you slay me Yet I will praise you Though you...
Later this week Carl and I will be recording some more installments of the Mortification of Spin . We received so much feedback from our recent edition on spousal abuse and divorce that we decided to record a follow-up. We will also be welcoming back the delightful Aimee Byrd . On the docket as...
Helpful observations from Carl Trueman: I have never been convinced by the Madonna-Paglia argument that pornography liberates and empowers women; but one does not have to agree with that argument to see that pornography has been normalized in society. When one reflects on this, it is hardly...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running: Your favorite comedian/theologians, Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman, team up yet again - this time to answer some important questions about how the church should be run and who should be running it. We'll learn that faithful teaching, a willingness...
From Charles Spurgeon : “One week-night, when I was sitting in the house of God, I was not thinking much about the preacher’s sermon, for I did not believe it. The thought struck me, How did you come to be a Christian? I sought the Lord. But how did you come to seek the Lord? The truth flashed...