Sad news has come from Vision Forum in recent days. But, as David Murray points out , the resignation of Doug Phillips carries with it a sobering lesson for all of us.
To be a single-issue voter is often sneered at as being too simplistic or overly confined to an ideology. However, I would suggest that all of us are single-issue voters. Each of us have a line, that if crossed by a politician renders them unworthy of our vote. For some that may be tax policy. For...
On Sunday I began a series of messages through the book of Ruth. The first message, entitled "The Road to Nowhere" is available HERE .
I appreciate David Robertson's review of Tullian Tchividjian's new book One Way Love . Robertson gives voice to many of my own concerns about what I believe is a rising tide of antinomianism within the church, especially among the neo-Reformed. Robertson writes: One Way Love? But it’s not just a...
I have been encouraged by the resurgence of Reformed doctrine within the Southern Baptist Convention. I say "resurgence" because Calvinism in the SBC is nothing new. In fact the Doctrines of Grace are woven within the founding documents of the denomination and its first seminary. I wonder how many...
It is a small leap from killing children in the womb to killing, say, two-year-olds (an idea already proffered by Princeton's Peter Singer). Belgium is now considering a law that would allow children to be euthanized. This ought to outrage but not surprise. A culture that approves the killing of...
Sunday was Reformation Sunday. I preached from 2 Timothy on the Scripture's authority and sufficiency. The title of the sermon is "Above All Earthly Powers" and can be listened to HERE .
I am excited to see the publication of Thy Word is Still Truth . “The embattled title casts this book as an apologia for Westminster Seminary’s stand in a recent internal debate. Yes, it is all of that, but it is a great deal more. It is a massive array of extracts from major writers over five...
Good stuff from Aimee Byrd: The other day I was in the middle of a workout when the phone rang. I glance over to notice that it is my grandma. Better get that. As I push the pause button and catch my breath to answer, grandma is spilling praise over the phone to me about my newly released book. Of...
Every May I attend the Basics Conference at Parkside Church. It is an outstanding conference for pastors. The audio and video of last year's conference has been posted online. Along with Alistair Begg, the speakers were Kevin DeYoung and Thabiti Anyabwile. The messages are well worth the time to...