The latest edition of Mortification of Spin us up and running. It is one of our shorter "Bully Pulpit" editions. Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit gives hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt a chance to briefly discuss timely issues. Listen as they discuss some criticism and backlash they have...
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has launched a new website called Place For Truth . Check it out.
Here, in no particular order, are some of my favorite books related (perhaps indirectly) to the Protestant Reformation: The Consuming Fire by Michael Reeves This is my favorite introduction to the Reformation. It is rich in historical detail and theological reflection. Highly Recommended. Living...
The church needs a bit more satire. I know evangelicals are a pretty thin-skinned bunch and things like satire and irony are often lost on them. But these helpful polemical devices are found in God's inspired Word so I believe we can safely assume that there is a proper place for them in sanctified...
As an ordained minister in the PCA I took vows affirming my belief that the Westminster Confession of Faith is an accurate summary of the Bible's doctrine. That does not mean that I believe the WCF to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. Indeed, that belief is contrary to the Confession! Rather, it...
As a young pastor I became convinced of the Doctrines of Grace. As a young Southern Baptist pastor I was terrified of this. At that time I did not know about a resurgence of Reformed theology within the Southern Baptist Convention. Indeed, that resurgence was still in its infancy. Nine Marks...
The latest edition of the Mortification of Spin is up and running: Author and blogger Aimee Byrd joins your regular hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt to talk about a perennial issue throughout the life of the church: abuse. Though Carl and Todd have discussed this issue before, they seek Aimee's...
On Sunday I preached Psalm 13. It is entitled "How Long O Lord?" and can be listened to HERE .
Good stuff from the White Horse Inn : When sharing the faith with others, should we primarily focus on what happened to Christ, or what happened to us? In other words, should we focus on the gospel of Christ as we find it unpacked in the New Testament, or should we emphasize our personal...
There is an interesting post over at Bring the Books appealing to the so-called disaffected evangelicals to embrace the Reformed Faith. I couldn't agree more. Recommended: A Quest For Godliness by J.I. Packer