P&R Publishing will soon be releasing a new title dealing with the trustworthiness of Scripture. It is entitled Did God Really Say? Affirming The Truthfulness and Trustworthiness of Scripture . The book is edited by Dr. David Garner who is also a contributor. "Current discussion about the...
I have posted before ( here & here ) about my concern over claims made by some that they died, went to heaven, and were miraculously returned to earth. Evangelicals love this stuff. A recent article in The New York Times by Maud Newton, although misguided in many ways, illustrates the heart of...
Great counsel from Doug Sweeney on how pastors can best serve God's people: 1. Our churches and our world desperately need pastors to lead and teach theologically. We clearly can't rely on families to raise their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (though a minority of them are...
The first chapter of Mark Dever's important book The Church is available on-line HERE . "I’m not sure that I know anyone who has read more on ecclesiology, from the whole breadth of Christian tradition, than Mark Dever. So, his exegesis is not done in isolation but in conversation with twenty...
Ray Ortlund offers a sure fire way to "rescue" your church in only three weeks: Week One: Walk into church this Sunday and think about how long you’ve been a member, how much you’ve sacrificed, how under-appreciated you are. Take note of every way you’re dissatisfied with your church now. Take note...
P&R Publishing has a proven track record of publishing great books. Recently I spent time in three of their newer titles . Giving Up Gimmicks: Reclaiming Youth Ministry An Entertainment Culture by Brian Cosby Giving Up Gimmicks is a celebration of the ordinary yet powerful means God has given...
From an excellent post by Kevin DeYoung on the meaning of God's providence: The God of the Old Testament (and the New Testament for that matter) is a God with absolute power and sovereign sway over all things. “The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the people” ( Psalm...
WTSBooks is running a special on some excellent new resources from 9Marks . Anyone interested in the health of the church, elders, pastors, and ministry leaders particularly would benefit from these resources. First, there are the 9Marks "Building Healthy Churches" booklets. These are brief books...
Excellent post from Brian Croft over at Practical Shepherding : What are 5 areas in which a pastor should be growing each year? Pastors are instructed to be examples to the flock (1 Peter 5:3). The pastor can feel a bit overwhelmed when considering the implications of that instruction. Because of...
From a letter to his father in 1855 responding to public criticism of his ministry: DEAR FATHER,—DO not be grieved at the slanderous libel in this week's Express. Of course, it is all a lie, without an atom of foundation; and while the whole of London is talking of me, and thousands are unable to...