There is a bit of a mystery going on over at the Ref21 blog . My first post is causing quite a bit of stir within the evangelical world. From what I understand, there are already high level meetings going on with the leadership of the Gospel Coalition to discern its meaning and whether or not it...
The latest edition of the Mortification of Spin is up and running: Todd and Carl interview Steve Nichols, author and professor of Christianity and Culture at Lancaster Bible College, and they respectfully dub their guest the "Peter Pan of reformed theology." While Steve may look young, he is...
Charles Spurgeon was a man who contended for the faith. As a result he was reviled and misunderstood. Refusing to yield ground to those who attacked the inerrancy of the Scriptures, the substitutionary atonement, the necessity of the new birth, etc. led eventually to his being censured by his...
Dr. Scott Oliphint on Covenantal Apologetics and his new book by that title: [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/69759164 w=400&h=300] I was honored to have Dr. Oliphint preach for me twice this year. I would encourage you to check out his two excellent sermons HERE .
Crossway has begun publishing an excellent series of what I would call spiritual biographies. It began with Fred Zaspel's excellent B.B. Warfield On The Christian Life . I am currently reading Bill Edgar's volume on Francis Schaeffer and am very much looking forward to Carl Trueman's contribution...
I have been preaching a short series of sermons through Jude. One sermon , covering verses 3 and 4 focuses on Jude's call to "contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints." The White Horse Inn recently posted some helpful links on this very theme. Check it out HERE .
I'll admit that I tend to think we have more than enough specialty Bibles. There are Bibles for every conceivable market niche. Although I'm still waiting for the middle-aged balding dude Study Bible. That said, I am enthusiastic about the latest version of the ESV. It is entitled the ESV Gospel...
Good stuff from Stephen Nichols: I know it is summer time, but here is a quiz. It’s only one question and it’s fill in the blank. Ready? Christology is by nature bound up with the doctrine of _________ ? This sentence comes from lectures given by Dietrich Bonhoeffer at the University of Berlin in...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqTMJxSA7EM]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cnEDUMfPXs]