Once again we are being told that a movie is going to present the church with an amazing evangelistic opportunity. Rick Warren is on the job once again even after his assurances prior to The Passion of the Christ did not exactly pan out. The pastor of Saddleback Church will be producing small...
I think a lot of the rejections in evangelicalism today of God’s sovereignty and biblical infallibility are not unrelated to the more recent conversations about the need to attend regular local church services. They are all simply manifestations of a rejection of authority... - Jared Wilson We've...
On Sunday I preached the second message in our series through Acts. It is entitled "You Will Be My Witnesses" and can be listened to HERE .
From Michael Horton: You know, it's ironic to me that in our day, as in every day of decline and superstition throughout church history, people turn from God's miracles to their own. What do I mean by that? Well, once people stop believing that salvation is a miracle and begin thinking that it is...
On Sunday I began a series of sermons through the book of Acts. Part one is entitled "The Acts of the Risen Jesus" (1:1-5) and may be listened to HERE .
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. On this installment of Bully Pulpit, Aimee, Todd, and Carl discuss the multi-generational nature of the Bride of Christ. How do we reconcile the fact that different generations seem to want different things from a church? Is it true...
Work is good. There have been times when the church did not always affirm this. The work of the clergy was the only holy vocation. Worldly work did not carry the spiritual cache of religious occupations. At the risk of oversimplifying, it was the Protestant Reformation which recovered the notion...
On Sunday I preached from Matthew 28:16-21. The sermon is entitled "The Mission" and can be listened to HERE .
This will probably be the last thing I post on Donald Miller's recent revelation that he does not attend church. No promises, mind you. Miller's two posts provide us with a rich source of understanding the bitter fruit of the consumer church. As such, reflection on this can be a fruitful endeavor...
By now most of you know that Donald Miller doesn't much go in for church . I wrote a response to Miller over at Ref21 . Actually it's not much of a response to Miller as it is a critique of his doctrines of the church and worship. Today, Miller, recognizing that his post was receiving a lot of...