The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is now posted. This time Carl and Aimee took the lead in my absence. How can Christians appropriately, firmly but sensitively talk about the Bibles teaching on sexuality. Our sexuality is for the glory of God and not a means to its own end...
"If I profess, with the loudest voice and clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages there the...
Desiring God has published an article by Nick Roen entitled "Is It Sin to Experience Same-Sex Attraction?" Roen believes there is a distinction between experiencing temptation and engaging in sin. I believe this is a helpful and, most importantly, biblical distinction. Our Lord was tempted in every...
So said Woody Allen as he sought to justify his sexual relationship with his step-daughter. In one sense it is easy to dismiss Allen's behavior as isolated albeit disgusting. Recently, however, David Espstein, a political scientist from Columbia University, has been charged with incest for carrying...
Now I'm getting pegged as being too unclear on sin for drawing a distinction between same sex attraction and homosexual acts. How about that! I'm too nuanced, too sensitive to the spirit of the age. This is truly a first. Someone is calling me out for being too nice, too vague, too liberal. So, for...
Is there a difference between being tempted and lusting? Is it sin to be tempted to commit gluttony? Is it a sin to be tempted to not be generous? Is it a sin to be tempted to disobey your parents? You get the picture.
Martin Luther identified a theologian of the cross as one who calls a thing what it is. That sort of clarity seems to be in short supply in the church today. Love for God's truth seems to have been replaced by love for a certain aesthetic of niceness. Indeed, speaking with clarity is downright mean...
In the most recent edition of Mortification of Spin , Carl and I discuss the role and importance of elders in the local church. It is clear in Scripture that the church is to be led by a plurality of godly men who meet a very specific list of requirements. The requirements themselves (found in 1...
I've written a post over at Ref21 concerning the Phil Robertson flap. Specifically I seek to distinguish between our reactions to same sex attraction and homosexual acts. I also seek to defend the "yuck factor" as a legitimate response to homosexual acts. As I have read the many commentaries...
The following are some excellent resources addressing the doctrine of the Scripture's inerrancy: Articles/Audio: The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics The Inerrancy of Scripture part 1 (audio) - Wayne Grudem The Inerrancy of Scripture part 2 (...