On Sunday I preached from John 1:1-14. The message is entitled "The Word Became Flesh" and can be listened to HERE .
If I am a good boy, I am counting on Santa bringing me the following two books for Christmas: From Heaven He Came And Sought Her “This book is formidable and persuasive. Those familiar with the terrain will recognize that the editors know exactly the key issues and figures in this debate. And none...
On the latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit (our 15 minute bi-weekly podcast) Carl Trueman, Aimee Byrd, and yours truly weigh in on some current goings on in the evangelical sub-culture. Specifically we discuss the possibility that the neo-Reformed movement has failed to uphold...
In light of recent events , Neil Cole has offered some helpful thoughts on an evangelical culture that values celebrity. He writes: We have a church celebrity culture that actually encourages plagiarism and often refuses to admit it. Entire books are written by ghostwriters who are never mentioned...
The evangelical circus may be making an addition to their increasingly grotesque sideshow. Apparently, the world needs another reality show. Ed Young Jr. of Fellowship Church in Grapevine, TX is in talks with a major network to bring his big life to the small screen. While Ed Young Jr. is a grown...
On Sunday I wrapped up our series through Ruth with part five. It is entitled "There Is A Redeemer" and may be listened to HERE .
The latest Mortification of Spin is now online and it may get a bit bumpy. Carl and I talk to Frank and Dan of Pyromaniacs about such things as cessationism and the sufficiency of God's Word. How sufficient is God's Word? Do the charismatic gifts have a place in the church today? Carl Trueman and...
On Sunday I preached part 5 in our series through Ruth. It is entitled "The Purposes of God and the Plans of Man" and can be listened to HERE .
From the end of 2008 to 2013 I was the lead teaching pastor of a large non-denominational church in the northeast. During my time there I was told by various elders to lead the church in a more “broadly evangelical” direction. By others I was encouraged to lead the church to become more narrowly...
On Sunday I preached part 3 of our series through Ruth. It is entitled "There Is A Redeemer" and can be listened to HERE .