The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. What's the purpose of a sermon? Is it to inspire the congregation or just a means of transmitting knowledge? Or is the sermon something greater? Dead bones came to life when Ezekiel preached. Are the sermons you listen to that powerful? Listen to...
I have long registered my dismay over the popularity of the "I died, went to Heaven, and God sent me back" books. First of all there is no biblical category for this. "It is appointed unto man once to die and then face the judgment." Folks, "clinically dead" is the not the same thing as " dead dead...
Nine Marks has been running some helpful articles on the Prosperity Gospel. Many of the practitioners of this false teaching are easy to recognize: Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, etc. But prosperity teaching also comes in subtler forms from more unlikely people. David...
On Sunday I preached the first of three sermons on the church. It is entitled "What The Church Is For" and is taken from Ephesians 3:20-21. You can listen to it HERE .
//player.vimeo.com/video/70454122?title=0&byline=0 Justification and Sanctification: What's the Problem? from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo ...
I have been greatly helped by the work of Michael Kruger . So when he says a particular book is "one of the best apologetics books in years" then you can bet it's on my list. He writes: Every once in a while a book is published that is so helpful, so original, and so needed, that it makes one...
It's still there and it's still not a parody - Pastor Fashion .
One of my favorite lecturers is Carl Trueman . I hate to put that in print because I don't want to him to get the impression that I think too highly of him. Anyway, thanks to Justin Taylor for posting the following excellent lectures. If you think church history, puritan theology, or anything...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. What do you look for in a good church? Bouncy castles, a good social network, a place to land a good business deal? Those may be fun, but there’s more to it than that. Don't forget about good preaching and a robust confession. Listen...
On Sunday I preached a message from Matthew 25:31-46. It is entitled "Finding Grace On Judgment Day" and you can listen to it HERE .