On January 19 I will begin preaching a series through Acts. The series will begin with a few sermons focusing on the identity and mission of the church. I'm still in the midst of outlining Acts so I'm not sure yet how long the series will be. However, it looks like Acts is going to be one of those...
Eric Metaxas recently interviewed Dr. Stephen Meyer on his Socrates In The City . Dr. Meyer is the author of the excellent Darwin's Doubts . //player.vimeo.com/video/81215936
Check out the latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit . Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd are back at it, and doing what they do best: tear down your preconceived notions and build up Gospel truths in their place. This time they take on Christmas, and discuss the utter amazing...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40JqO7FPpfs] [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZssVVYdrg8] [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPe746s4rmc]
For decades, Ligonier Ministries has been producing excellent resources for that space between Seminary and Sunday School. Their latest is an upgrade to their RefNet site. It's called RefNet 2.0 and functions as a "24 hour Christian internet radio."
Over at Ref21 I have posted my favorite books from this year.
Carl Trueman and Scott McKnight agree on something! Actually, I was not surprised. Dr. McKnight has written an excellent piece on Christian publishing and recent peculiar events concerning a certain evangelebrity.
Mark Jones, author if the recently published Antinomianism , has written a helpful article entitled "Why You Should Be a Presbyterian." If you are a Presbyterian you ought to read it to be reminded of the distinctives of Presbyterianism. If you are not a Presbyterian, then read with care. Your mind...
From J.I. Packer's introduction to Antinomianism by Mark Jones: Antinomians among the Reformed have always seen themselves as reacting in the name of free grace against a hangover of legalistic, works-based bondage in personal discipleship. Characteristically, they have affirmed, not that the...
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) is coming to James Madison University. For years, many have prayed for RUF to come to JMU, Virginia's second largest university. Now it appears that the Lord is answering those prayers. In 2014 Reformed University Fellowship will be coming to JMU. At Covenant...