On Sunday I took a break from our series through Job and preached Psalm 139. It is entitled "Search Me O God" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Christians in parts of Africa and the Arab world are going through great tribulation. In fact Christians are the most persecuted group of people on the planet. It's breathtaking. From Nigeria to Iraq to North Korea and China, Christians are being murdered, arrested, beaten, systematically...
It seems that a secret from my past I thought had been well buried has now come to light. To find out more listen in on the latest Mortification of Spin ... Crisis! Todd's past comes back to bite him. This Promise Keepers-sweatshirt-wearing hooligan and the rest of the gang discuss a continually...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. "If you will agree to tithe your income for 90 days and you don't receive a blessing from God, you'll get your money back, guaranteed!" This sort of spiritual mumbo jumbo is, as Carl nicely sums up, bonkers. Those who propose these...
When you get a chance, check out the videos from the Taking God at His Word conference that was hosted by WTSbooks . The featured speaker was Kevin DeYoung. There were also panel discussions with Drs. Carl Trueman, Greg Beale, Scott Oliphint, David Powlison, and Jeff Jue. //player.vimeo.com/video/...
On Sunday I preached part 6 in our series through Job. It is an overview of chapters 4-27 and is entitled "A True Believer". You can listen to download it HERE .
The new issue of Credo is dedicated to the life and ministry of George Whitefield. Credo is one of my favorite places on the web. This most recent issue, like all issues of Credo, is well worth your time.
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running... The MoS posse toss around ideas about the biblical concept of finding strength in the midst of weakness. As Christians, we must draw our strength from our brokenness, sinfulness, and weakness. How can pastors shepherd their flocks of weak,...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running: Broadcasting from deep within the bowels of a college's frathouse, the wandering band of misfits address campus ministry. Bouncing off of an article published on First Things by Robert Gregory , the gang talks about campus ministry...
Over at First Things , our friend Carl has written an excellent apologetic for the Reformed faith. Specifically, Trueman asserts that the Reformed faith is uniquely suited (over general evangelicalism and Roman Catholicism) for exiles, or what the apostle Peter called "strangers and aliens." It’s...