On Sunday I preached part four in our current series through Job (2:11-3:26). It is entitled "Never Alone" and can be listened to HERE .
I am currently preaching a series of sermons through the Book of Job . Not surprisingly the subject matter of Job--God's sovereignty in suffering--brings up heart-felt questions. I am going to try to deal with some of those questions here as I have opportunity to write. Of course, more...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. On this edition we interview Trillia Newbell on the blessings and challenges of racial diversity within the church. We know that God is saving for himself a people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. However, achieving a glimpse of that reality...
Christianity.com recently posted my response to Dr. Karl Giberson who has written that while Christianity can afford lose Adam and Eve, it cannot lose it's theistic evolutionists. Strange reasoning to be sure. Giberson does us quite a favor in the final words of his article which read: “...
On Sunday I preached part 3 of our current series through Job (1:13-2:10). It is entitled "My Only Comfort" and can be listened to HERE .
On Sunday I preached the second message from our current series through Job. It is entitled "God Holds Court" (1:6-12) and can be listened to HERE .
One of the things that characterize contemporary evangelicalism is the aesthetic of niceness. Evangelicals will tolerate charlatans and false teachers. What they will not tolerate is anyone who violates the canons of niceness. In this episode of Mortification of Spin , we address the ill-defined...
On Sunday I began a series through the book of Job entitled "Out of the Storm." My goal is to preach through this amazing book in 9 sermons. We'll see relatively soon if I will be successful in this. The first message is entitled "A Well-Ordered World" and can be listened to HERE .
In this morning's sermon I mentioned Dr. Peter Jones' excellent book One Or Two: Seeing a World of Difference . Walking around in a blur? Afraid to talk about Jesus? Not sure how Christians fit with other religions? One or Two will help you see a world of difference between the only two worldviews...
Back in April of 2012 an article entitled "Silent Clergy Killers" ran in the Huffington Post. I would encourage you to take time to read it. "Clergy Killers" is also the title of a book by G. Lloyd Rediger. That book was quite helpful to me several years ago during a particularly challenging season...