From Fred Zaspel's excellent The Theology of B.B. Warfield : For nearly a century before Warfield arrived on its faculty, Princeton Seminary had stood out as the scholarly bastion of the historic Reformed faith. And due in large measure to the towering influence of Old Princeton, much of the new...
Over at Ref21 I have posted on the ugly reality of child sexual abuse within the church. It is a wickedness of massive proportions when children are sexually abused. However, when a child is used for the sexual gratification of a spiritual leader within the church the evil passes into the realm of...
On Sunday I preached part 13 in our current series in Acts. It is entitled "We Must Obey God" and is taken from Acts 5:12-32. You can listen to it HERE .
This is what Carl has to say about the latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit : In this remarkable age, where emoting in public comes as standard, where all disagreement is taken personally and requires online histrionics, and where the boundaries between public and private have been eroded to...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehlBKRqPveQ]
Mother's Day is coming up. How about you get mom a good book? Often times when we buy books for women we buy "women's books." Don't misunderstand there are a lot of terrific books written specifically for women. In fact, there are few on my list as you will see. But there are also books on doctrine...
Racism is sin. It is a denial of the dignity of all peoples as image-bearers of God. Racism is antithetical to the character of God, to the gospel, and to the mission of the church which anticipates the day when men and women from every nation and race will gather before the throne of the Lamb. On...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. Back in their secret underground bunker, the spin team phone up David Wells to discuss his body of work and his huge contributions to modern Christianity. As a turncoat, a self-described "African-American," David has a unique experience and...
Great stuff from Mike Reeves on the necessity of the doctrine of the Trinity for a proper understanding of the Gospel... //player.vimeo.com/video/54603241?title=0&byline=0 A TRINITARIAN GOSPEL from Evangelical Alliance on Vimeo . Check out Mike's outstanding book Delighting In The Trinity ...