Since discovering that the Bible is riddled with errors and contradictions Peter Enns of Eastern University is rather enthusiastic about his project to expose us all to the glories of biblical errancy. Indeed, Dr. Enns' new book has received high praise from such evangelical luminaries as Brian...
Sometime in the early Spring, Lord willing, I will preach a brief series of messages on Gender Confusion, Sexuality, and the Image of God. That's not an easy topic these days considering the fact that faithfulness to the biblical message regarding sexuality will get one branded a bigot. It is...
Happy Reformation Day friends! We value reading over here at Mortification of Spin . In fact we're pretty sure that there is no such thing as having too many books. So, from one bibliophile to many others I offer you the following list of excellent books dealing with the history and/or...
There has been much handwringing lately over the fall of Mark Driscoll and demise of Mars Hill Inc. It is not my intention to pick on Driscoll or Mars Hill. But the Seattle mega-church and her charismatic pastor were the most public face of the Young, Restless, and Reformed (YRR) movement. How this...
“You didn’t build that.” Those rather infamous words, some of you will remember, were spoken by our President to business owners about their businesses. And while those words are terribly misguided when applied to business owners they need to ring in the ears of every pastor who...
Good words HERE from Brian Croft over at his excellent site Practical Shepherding .
This quarter's issue of Southern Seminary Magazine is worth reading (as they all are). Be sure especially to read: "Resolute About Biblical Authority Amidst Compromise And Confusion In The Church" by Al Mohler (pp. 36-38) "Black And White And Red All Over: Why Racial Justice Is A Gospel Issue" by...
Thomas Oden is my favorite Wesleyan theologian. He was a liberal in the sixties. But something happened. He was driven away from theological liberalism to embrace Protestant Orthodoxy. Oden writes with clarity and passion about the need for the Mainline denominations to return to the truth. Until...
Thanks to Justin Taylor for posting these excellent lectures on Pro-Life ethics from Scott Klusendorf: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnDooyEvaRI&w=460&h=259] [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt7GAhbxfHY&w=460&h=259] [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
It is not easy to suffer. No affliction is pleasant. But there is something especially difficult about suffering at the hands or by the words of others. Our first inclination is to defend ourselves. And, certainly, there is a place for that. There were times when the Apostle Paul offered a hearty...