Justin Taylor has written a helpful post on the dust up over Elephant Room 2 complete with a timeline. You should read it HERE .
Dr. Trueman has apparently seen this video . He responds with a very helpful post on historic Christianity and the cost of defending the truth. Still, let us go back to the fourth century and see how the `middle aged white guy’ critique measures up. Well, at the Council of Nicea in 325, many of the...
Great decision by John MacArthur to host Voddie Baucham as one of the preachers for this year's Shepherd's Conference . Grace Community Church's youth pastor explains why in a thoughtful post .
Tim Tebow had been scheduled to speak at an event in Ohio led by mega-church pastor Rod Parsley. Parsley, an advocate of prosperity teaching will be sharing the stage with notorious word/faith prosperity preacher Kenneth Copeland. Tebow canceled his plans to appear at the event. That was the right...
From Mike McKinley : Last Spring, Thabiti shared some statistics about pastors compiled by the Schaeffer Institute . These numbers emerged from research done from 1989-2006, and my guess is that things have gotten worse, not better, since then. The one that struck me most in the report was the fact...
A few months before Elephant Room 2 Thabiti Anyabwile wrote an excellent article outlining his concerns over James MacDonald's invitation to prosperity preacher T.D. Jakes . Sadly, his counsel, and that of many others was rejected. Pastor Anyabwile wrote: This kind of invitation undermines that...
If you are wondering what the whole controversy over the Elephant Room is about, check out this very helpful post by Mike Riccardi.
Tim Keller and D.A. Carson have written a helpful article on the Elephant Room controversy. I would encourage you to take the time to read it. If you are not used to reading about biblical interpretation, their second point ("Biblicism One and Biblicism Two") is very important. Please read...
It is appropriate that a prosperity gospel be born in the hedonistic, self-centered, get-rich-quick milieu of modern American society. We are, by nature, pagan. Either our religion will transform us or we will transform our religion to suit our sympathies. . . . The prosperity Bible does not deal...
Dr. Russell Moore has written an important article on the recent decision by the Susan Komen Foundation for the Cure to restore its funding to Planned Parenthood. Dr. Moore sees the worship of money at the core of this sad decision and urges the church not to try to compete in this pagan arena. He...