It is evangelistically disastrous when, in an effort to reach Muslims, references to Jesus as "the Son of God" are removed from New Testaments. To tamper with the Sonship of Jesus is to undermine such essential doctrines as the Trinity, the incarnation, the deity of Christ, the humanity of Christ,...
Lanier Theological Library The Lanier Theological Library was founded by one the top attorneys in the country and is located very near the church in which I grew up.
On Sunday I preached part 8 in our current series through Philippians. It is entitled "Living Worthy of the Gospel" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
From Brian Croft : The umbrella to which these top 10 priorities all fit come from the direct command to God’s shepherds to “Shepherd the flock of God among you (1 Peter 4:2).” The shepherds are to watch over the flock as one who will give an account (Heb. 13:17) until the Chief Shepherd appears (1...
Nathan Busenitz offers a thoughtful critique of Wayne Grudem's position on the perpetuity of the gift of prophecy - HERE . Busenitz concludes: 1. By creating a category of modern “prophecy” that can include erroneous messages, this view makes it unnecessarily difficult for the church today to...
On Sunday I preached part 9 in our current series through Philippians. It is entitled "To Believe And To Suffer" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
The church ought to welcome its children into its corporate worship gatherings. Of course it is a sign of our times that this has to be said. Not long ago, holding separate worship services for children, youth, singles, etc would have been unthinkable. Age segregated worship services have not been...
On losing the sense of God's holiness in the church: When prayers become the equivalent of "Yo, how you doin'?!" then something has gone awry. Public prayers should lead people into the presence of God, and that should be a humbling, if not crushing experience. When was the last time a pulpit...
Iaian Murray's excellent book Revival and Revivalism traces the history of American evangelicalism from 1750-1858 with special emphasis on the birth of revivalism and the troubling practices that ensued. This history matters because it truly helps to explain how specific doctrines and practices...
The March 2012 issue of CREDO Magazine is now online. CREDO is an excellent website and online magazine of theological and devotional reflection. Highly recommended. The latest issue of the magazine is dedicated to the church's mission to make disciples.