[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkNa6tLWrqk]
There are at least seven immutable laws governing a church's use of fonts. Stray from these laws and face the consequences.
The other day I posted a link to some helpful words by Brian Croft on the dangers of measuring ministry success numerically. Over at the excellent site Credo , Tom Fillinger offers a much needed "theological metric for ministry." There is a discernable pathology in the theology of the American...
The Brokenhearted Evangelist by Jeremy Walker With a “gutless orthodoxy,” Christians today quickly affirm biblical truth regarding evangelism and mission, but, author Jeremy Walker reminds us, “we cannot pretend that we know and believe the truth about men, souls, heaven, hell, and salvation unless...
I know that God's children are not long without tribulation. As long as the wheat is on the threshin-floor, it must expect to feel the flail. Perhaps you have had a bereavement, or you may have had losses in business, or crosses in your family, or you have been sorely afflicted in your own body,...
The following, while in no way exhaustive, is a list of outstanding books dealing with the crucifixion of Jesus and its implications for those who believe. One of the characteristics of each of these books is their faithfulness to the Scriptures. These are not whimsical musings or speculation...
Earl Scruggs, the greatest bluegrass muscian of all time died yesterday at the age of 88. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drHCosJWH0Q&w=461&h=342]
The White Horse Inn has posted two excellent articles on youth ministry by Michael Horton: Generation Me and Youth Ministry ( Part One & Part Two ). Please take time to read them. There is much wisdom not only about how we minister to youth but about our understanding of the church. We have...
Soldier of Christ, if thou enlisteth, thou wilt have to do hard battle. There is no bed of down for thee; there it no riding to heaven in a chariot; the rough way must be trodden; mountains must be climbed, rivers must be forded, dragons must be fought, giants must be slain, difficulties must be...
On Sunday I preached part 11 in our current series through Philippians. It is entitled "He Humbled Himself" and can be downloaded or listened to HERE .