[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6T0m7uGJd4&w=460&h=264]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98Xzvun5ae0] How To Read The Bible Through The Jesus Lens by Michael Williams
I always need to hear some things. But there are other things I really, really need to hear. HT: Tim Challies
Right now you can get Dan Phillips new book, World-Tilting Gospel free for Kindle HERE . Dan Phillips is both easy and edifying to read, and I have been doing so for many years, so I am delighted to commend this book to you. The World-Tilting Gospel is a sound introduction to what it means and what...
The first issue of Credo , an excellent new ejournal, is now available. It focuses on the doctrine of Scripture with an emphasis on inerrancy. It is well worth reading. PDF available HERE .
A story from Reuters records the following sad words concerning Steve Jobs' decision to authorize a biography on his life: Steve Jobs, in pain and too weak to climb stairs a few weeks before his death, wanted his children to understand why he wasn’t always there for them, according to the author of...
From a disturbing article published by the Schaeffer Institute: When I was with another church growth consulting firm, we did a major study of pastors and came up with some astounding statistics. We found that 90% of pastors work more than 50 hours a week. One out of three pastors state that being...
This Sunday (October 15) Indelible Grace will be leading worship in all three morning services at Church of the Saviour. Indelible Grace Music grew out of ministering to college students, primarily through Reformed University Fellowship (RUF). We saw many touched by the gospel, and gripped by the...
On Sunday I preached a sermon from Matthew 16:13-20 entitled "Christ Builds His Church." You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .
With the presidential campaign in full swing, Mitt Romney's candidacy has brought the issue of Mormonism into the public debate. Mormonism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. It is not longer the backwoods little cult struggling to survive in northwest Missouri. But while there is...