Typically good stuff from Carl Trueman on the vital role of elders: Greg Beale has a fascinating section on elders in his new A New Testament Biblical Theology , pp. 819-23. Here he underscores the importance of the office for protecting the church from false teachers, especially those who arise...
Pastoring and pain go together. If you are involved in pastoral leadership then you will experience the barbs of criticism, the grief of your own sin, and the loneliness of leadership. Biblical counsel from wise brothers, therefore, is essential. If you are a pastor then you ought to have the...
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That little voice in your heart is not God speaking. He does not speak in your heart. He speaks outside of us from His own word. That means the pressure is off! You don't have to strain to hear God's voice in your heart and hope that you're hearing the right voice. God has already spoken outside of...
Take time to read this excellent article by Michael Horton. “Sacrifice and offering you do not desire, but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required; Then I said, ‘Here I am; in the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do your will, O my...
Check out this edition of the White Horse Inn. Why do so many contemporary churches or best-selling Christian books focus almost exclusively on practical application rather than doctrinal truth? Why do most Christians prefer to talk about their own testimonies or changed lives, rather than arguing...
Unequivocally, Scripture highlights Jesus' death and resurrection when it speaks of his saving accomplishment. It does, however, paint a fuller picture and mentions seven additional aspects of Christ's saving work. incarnation sinless life death resurrection ascension session Pentecost intercession...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl9ds3W7HQ0&w=460&h=342]
On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Mike McKinley to the pulpit of Church of the Saviour. Mike's sermon, The Disciple's Marathon can be listened to or downloaded HERE . Mike is the author of two helpful books: Church Planting is for Wimps Am I Really a Christian? Mike writes regularly for the 9...