[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9TMwfkDwIY&w=460&h=342]
Try this challenging thought experiment from Doug Wilson.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQJ1zb-HcEk&w=460&h=264]
We may never know the extent of Kim Jong Il's brutality and madness. We know that he tortured and murdered his people on a massive scale. Il the atheist insisted on being worshipped as a god. He routinely threatened the world. All the while the "Dear Leader" lived in luxury enjoying fine wine and...
Good stuff from Carl: The irony of the Christian Christmas is that the Christ child comes not because of any need of his own or any desire to fulfill a selfish or inwardly directed want; this child, the child in the manger, considers it not robbery to be equal with God and yet humbles himself by...
On Sunday I preached from the messianic prophecy found in Isaiah 9. It is entitled "A Great Light" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
For those of us in church leadership who are always under pressure to innovate, the following words from P.D. James present a relevant challenge: We live in an age notable for a kind of fashionable silliness and imbued with a restless desire for change. It sometimes seems that nothing old, nothing...
I can certainly identify with much that is in this following list. Perhaps this will serve as a helpful way to inform our prayers for our pastors. From Ron Edmondson: 1. Leading from this position is overwhelming at times. We know Christ is ultimately in charge, but we also know it often seems...
Good stuff from Jonathan Leeman : AS IMPORTANT AS ANY OTHER QUALITY I’m not talking about a man who simply checks the belief box on the “authority” or “sufficiency” or “power” of the Bible. I’m talking about a man who whose conviction here runs so deep that it profoundly influences the way he works...
Ed Young Jr. is by no means the only pastor out there with a fondness for preaching and writing about sex. However, his latest project does prompt more than a few questions. Is all this "honesty" about sex truly helpful for the church? Does the presence of Song of Songs in the Bible justify this ,...