I have been convinced for some time that there are seasons in ministry. I am not suggesting that ministry is cyclical or subject to anything other than the ultimate sovereignty of God. However, in God's wise providence, it seems that the work of ministry moves through seasons of tilling, seasons of...
I am launching a new feature at 1517 called "The Constant Reader." The goal will be to offer book reviews, recommendations, as well as words of caution concerning problematic books. One of God's good gifts to me as a pastor is the responsibility to study and read. It is a discipline I love and take...
Excellent post from Jared Wilson: That voice in your head that keeps rehearsing the disappointments and flaws of your church is not from the Lord. It is the accuser, helping you get to the “I have no need of you” forbidden in 1 Corinthians 12:21. We may have legitimate concerns about our church’s...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzPK93pI65I&w=460&h=264]
The newest edition of the 9 Marks Journal is dedicated to the doctrine and implications of conversion. There are some excellent articles here folks. Check it out. The Beauty of Conversion by Jared Wilson To many, the Christian doctrine of conversion appears anything but beautiful. They say it’s...
From an article entitled The God-Centered Gospel by Michael Horton in the latest edition of Tabletalk Magazine : It’s terrific to see so many younger Christians excited about being “God-centered.” However, Islam and Orthodox Judaism claim to be “Godcentered,” too. The Christian faith is...
We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry. The mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the prophet. It is not the mentality of the slave of Christ. Professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and heart of the Christian ministry. The more...
From Paul McCain : "Here is a beautiful YouTube video of the reading of the Nicene Creed which dates back over a 1,000 years in the the Christian church. This recitation was done at Trinity Lutheran Church, Klein, TX during the March 4, 2012 church services by three members of Trinity as part of...
It belongs to the very essence of the type of Christianity propagated by the Reformation that the believer should feel himself continuously unworthy of the grace by which he lives. At the center of this type of Christianity lies the contrast of sin and grace; and about this center everything else...
Great stuff HERE on how to speak the truth into the lives of people we care about.