From a letter by John Newton to a young man considering a call into the ordained ministry You have, doubtless, often anticipated in your own mind the nature of the service to which you are now called, and made it the subject of much consideration and prayer. But a distant view of the ministry is...
"What is the nature of petitionary prayer? It is in essence rebellion - rebellion against the world in its fallenness, the absolute and undying refusal to accept as normal what is pervasively abnormal...Petitionary prayer only flourishes where there is a two-fold belief: first, that God's name is...
WTSBooks is running a special on Paul Tripp's outstanding book and DVD series on marriage: What Did You Expect? [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/32466539 w=400&h=225] What Did You Expect? Promo from Crossway on Vimeo .
Al Mohler recently interviewed Don Carson on his new book The Intolerance of Tolerance . It is a fascinating discussion on a timely topic. Check it out HERE .
In the style of Lewis' Screwtape, Jared Wilson offers the following uncomfortably accurate account of the spiritual battle in which every pastor finds himself: Dearest Grubnat, my poppet, my pigsnie, The reports of your progress warm my blackened heart. When you were assigned to one of the Enemy’s...
When the definitive history of 20th century evangelicalism is finally written it may well point to pragmatism as the defining characteristic. Results mattered more than truth. Experience mattered more than faithfulness. Ref21 has posted an article by James Torrens on the self-defeating reality of...
"The most potent expression of fearing man is pragmatism. It occurs when the lust for church growth trumps the fear of God. It is the willingness to let 'whatever works' determine our agenda. The bad news is usually the first casualty. As we have seen, [the gospel] is inherently offensive. It...
David French has written an article for National Review Online which examines the diminishing influence of evangelicals upon the wider culture. He sums up his thesis with three reasons behind this decline: 1. We are more focused on meeting the material needs of the poor than their spiritual needs...
“The cross is itself in the first instance the attack of God on the old sinner and the sinner’s theology. The cross is the doing of God to us. But that same cross itself, and only the cross, at the same time opens a new and unheard-of possibility over against the sinner’s old self and its theology...
Christians get depressed. The causes are varied. But God is always purposeful which means our depression is not meaningless. Depression should not be wasted. As a teenager I was morose and deeply depressed. I wrote morose things and believed that if the world knew the real me I would be even more...