Timely words from J. Gresham Machen: Again, we are told that our theological differences will disappear is we will just get down on our knees together in prayer. Well, I can only say about that kind of prayer, which is indifferent to the question whether the gospel is true or false, that it is not...
Roger Olson is right. Those sneeky Calvinists are infiltrating every corner of polite society. It seems that Carl Trueman has even begun the process of reform at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary .
If you are going to be anywhere near Philadelphia on October 21 and 22 plan on attending the annual Preaching Conference at Westminster Seminary . The theme this year is “Essentials of Biblical Exposition.” Dr. R Kent Hughes will be the featured speaker. Dr. Hughes is an outstanding...
Hershael York has written an excellent little article on preaching entitled Four Reasons Why Some Preachers Get Better and Others Don’t . The article poses a good question: Can preaching be taught? In other words, is it possible for someone not brimming with natural gifts of communication...
Dr. Michael Kruger of Reformed Theological Seminary has written a helpful, clear, and appropriately corrective review of Dr. Peter Enns' (Eastern University) newest book The Bible Tells Me So . Dr. Kruger explains Dr. Enns' project: Enns is pushing back against another core historical tenet...
It was inevitable I suppose. When a church operates as a global brand the need to stay fashionable is of prime importance. So it is not surprising that Hillsong, the multinational mega-church founded in Australia is now openly capitulating on biblical sexual ethics. Carl Lentz the uber hip rock...
I'm currently preaching through the Book of Acts. On Sunday I preached part 20 which is entitled "The Death of Stephen" (7:54-8:1). You can listen to or download it HERE . We also podcast our sermons. If you are planning to preach or treach through Acts the following books have been...
I can usually tell that I will like someone when they are criticized by those whose praise would be cause for concern. Such is the case with Mark Jones over at Ref21. It seems Mark has earned the sneers of the usual suspects over at the curmudgeon’s corner. The problem is that Jones won...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running . On this episode we talk to Professor David VanDrunen about Two Kingdoms Theology. We cover such topics as politics, abortion, cultural engagment, and whether or not there is such a thing as Christian softball. Check out these two excellent books...
Carl and Aimee, I am wondering if you have received any criticism on our interview with David VanDrunen on MOS. I have not received any directly. But I did run across a few Facebook comments that were rather critical (social media makes men quite brave). Anyway, the criticisms were completely vague...