A valuable discussion between Carl Trueman, Peter Leithart, and Fred Sanders. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKekHEco87U]
Perhaps you have noticed the near tidal wave of articles, books, and blog posts reaffirming what the Bible says about sexual ethics, particularly homosexuality. "What is this pre-occupation with homosexuality?" you may be wondering. What is with all these responses is that they are just that:...
Over at Ref21 Paul Levy and I have been having a bit of back and forth about how to measure ministry. Should a minister be judged strictly on the basis of faithfulness? Or, should a minister be judged on the basis of the fruitfulness of his ministry? You can check it out HERE , HERE , HERE , and...
On Sunday I preached part 10 of our series through Acts. It is entitled "How to Pray Under Persecution" and is taken from Acts 4:23-31. You can listen to it HERE .
//player.vimeo.com/video/88833736?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff Beat Porn By Enjoying Jesus More from Desiring God on Vimeo ...
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. In this episode we discuss the Heaven Is For Real phenomenon. If you are looking to be inspired the Mortification of Spin team is on task to speak to your mind. In light of the release of “Heaven is For Real” last week,...
You can find audio of my brief message on Good Friday and Easter sermon ("The Tomb is Empty") HERE .
The new Credo is online and man, is it good. Check it out HERE .
David Murray has written a great little post entitled "Body Theology for Teens." Parents, this would be a helpful discussion starter with your children. Here is a sample: 5. Protect: As the believer’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), you should care for it better than you would...
Andy Stanley has a problem with religion. The pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta (one the nation's largest) has been preaching against religion. Over at Juicy Ecumenism , Alexander Griswold offers some helpful responses to a recent sermon by Stanley entitled "Putting Religion in its...