As many of you know I have almost completed my latest installment of sermons in the Luke series: chapters seven and eight. Beginning September 9th I am excited to launch a series of messages based upon the fresh purpose statement that was composed by the Strategic Ministry Planning Team. The series...
Richard Dawkins, perhaps the most well known atheist in the western world right now is getting a lot of press. It is very possible that at least one person you know has read or been influenced by his latest book "The God Delusion". Christian Thinker has some good thoughts on Dawkins' famous 747...
Ray Van Neste offers some very helpful information on excellent Christian literature for children at this sight ( The Children's Hour ). If you are a parent I think you will find it very helpful.
Not too long ago former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton made it known that they were interested in launching a new Baptist denomination that would serve as an alternative to the Southern Baptist Convention. Both men, members of Southern Baptist churches have been famously out of step with...
Al Mohler has written about Richard Dawkins new campaign to "out" well known atheists ( Outing Atheists -- Richard Dawkins Launches New Campaign ). His hope is that bringing more atheists into the open will help to popularize their movement. What a fun bunch of folks they must be! Dr. Dawkins is a...
Andreas Kostenberger has posted some information on a few books he has been reading this summer ( Summer Reading ). Of special interest is his reference to the book "Misquoting Truth" by Timothy Paul Jones. For those of you who have seen, heard about, or read the best seller "Misquoting Jesus" by...
More good words from the good reverend Spurgeon ( Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats? -- C. H. Spurgeon ). It's amazing. There is nothing new under the sun.
Putting My Daughter to Bed Two Hours After the Bridge Collapsed :: Desiring God
The prosperity "gospel" of Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, etc has decieved millions. This Christianity Today article ( Gospel Riches Christianity Today A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction ) addresses the rise of this demonic doctrine in Africa. Pray for our brothers and sisters in...
The folks at Fide-O have posted a great reminder ( FIDE-O ) that the church is awash with false teachers. We must call them what they are. Jeremiah did. The apostle Paul did. Jesus certainly did. These men lead untold thousands into tragic error and harden the hearts of many others who are harmed...