The church must never move beyond the Gospel. It seems odd that a church could “lose” the Gospel but it is more common than we dare imagine. So much of the preaching and worship of the church is focused ultimately on what we can do rather than on what God has already done in Christ. Much of...
I have linked to a great article ( Scriptorium Daily ) at Scriptrorium that uses the cartoon strip Calvin and Hobbes as evidence that the link between the medium and the message is much stronger than some think. I have believed for some time that the old addage from the church growth movement that...
In an article in the July/August issue of “Touchstone” Magazine, James Harrison describes a recent visit to a Mosque in Detroit, Michigan. Harrison, a Baptist pastor from New York, was struck by the variety of people in the mosque that day. He called it a “true rainbow coalition.” Many, he writes,...
I found this video posted at "Recover the Gospel" ( Allow Me to Reintroduce the Christ. ). It may be a bit unconventional for white suburban Christians but it is powerful. There is more good theology and doxology packed into this presentation than many church goers heard last Sunday in their church.
http://youtube.com/v/V9DhDpF8GzE John Piper on the Prosperity "Gospel".
Al Mohler has posted a blog ( Heresy in the Cathedral ) about John Shelby Spong's visit to Australia. If you don't know, Spong is an Anglican from the U.S. whose views are so heretical he would be hard to caracature. Anyway, Peter Jensen, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney has refused Spong entry...
This article written for Baptist Press by a professor at Boyce College at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is worth the read ( (BP) ).
Section V. God’s Purpose of Grace Election is the gracious purpose of God, according to which he regenerates, justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies sinners. It is consistent with the free agency of man, and comprehends all the means in connection with the end. It is the glorious display of God’s...
This is a good sign ( Building Bridges: Southern Baptists and Calvinism ).
One of the issues I deal with most often in my role as a pastor is the reality of suffering. I am routinely confronted with questions that I cannot answer easily. Often times the answers to human suffering that are made plain in Scripture seem unsatisfactory to many people. But in moments when we...