As the two previous posts demonstrate, the love of money is a sin that pastors cannot afford. Don’t misunderstand. Sinless perfection regarding lust for money is no more attainable in this life than is sinless perfection regarding lust for pleasure, lust for recognition, or lust for vengeance...
http://youtube.com/v/lj3iNxZ8Dww Bless her heart. I couldn't resist.
Justin Taylor has posted this stunning observation from Sally Morgenthaler( Megachurches ).
Great words from the Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs from his classic "Gospel Worship." "The reason men worship God in a casual way is because they do not see God in His Glory. If a man has ever had Isaiah's vision of the Holiness of God, he would be changed in an instant. But until men have seen God as...
Those of you who know me know of my loyalty to St. Arbucks. I love their strong coffee. I also make a habit of doing much of my sermon preparation at Starbucks. One of the great advantages of this practice is that I am able to meet people who are not a part of the Metro East fellowship. On blessed...
Every society has a “culture” or set of shared beliefs, values, and practices which provides a common approach to understanding and dealing with the larger questions of life. “Where do we come from? What do our lives mean? What is most important in life?” The way those questions are answered will...
Tom Ascol over at Founders has some great thoughts on a recent study by the AP and MTV on young people and happiness ( Young People ).
The Southern Baptist Convention was founded by men who were true theologians. However, with the dawning of the 20th century and the passing of those early founders the theological precision of the SBC began to dull. Southern Baptists became known for bloviating and politicking as much as or more...
This is a helpful series of posts dealing specifically with Richard Dawkins spurious attacks on theism ( ::: christianthinker.net ::: ). Atheism is growing more popular because of the acceptance of poor arguments, illogic, and flat out distortions of the truth. Christians had better be equiped to...
Because I am often asked about the Emergent Movement I thought I would link to this book review of Brian McLaren's A Generous Orthodoxy ( A Generous Orthodoxy ). McLaren, the most influential of those within the Emergent Movement is often times coy about what he really believes. In this particular...