http://youtube.com/v/dKPY258ibQE I found this posted by Rich Ryan and had to pass it along. Cable access must be the greatest thing since the internal combustion engine.
More good stuff on the qualificaitons of elders by Thabiti ( Leaders at Home ).
Pyromaniacs posted some good insight on standard thinking among emergents on heaven ( Heavenly Minded? ).
http://youtube.com/v/KHGvxaG9eP4 Driscoll offers some helpful thoughts on the tendency within evangelicalism to create a sub-culture that insulates from the messy world.
Evangelical churches are full of traditions that have become sacrosanct. But it was not so long ago that many of these practices were brand new and being openly challenged by thoughtful and theological men like Charles Spurgeon. There is no doubt that certain "excitements" can get people to respond...
http://youtube.com/v/kHdjC9zyfHI This was posted at Christian Research Net. It's a bit long but illustrates well why so many pulpits are impoverished. By abandoning the call to be shepherds of the Lord's flock, pastors have also abandoned the long discipline of studying the biblical text. Why not...
Thabiti continues his excellent study on the qualifications of elders ( Mature and Humble ).
The following article by Michael Horton is posted at the Nine Marks Ministry site (I provide a link to Nine Marks on this blog). Dr. Horton is, I believe, one of the most thoughtful and challenging theolgians of his generation. I know this article is a bit lengthy but I think there is relevance for...
More on the qualifications of elders by Thabiti at "Pure Church" ( Well Thought of by Outsiders ).
http://youtube.com/v/J9PmcrI44Zg I saw this posted at FideO and thought it was a good reminder for everyone looking for the perfect church.