The October 20-26, 2007 issue of The Economist has an interesting advertisement from the John Templeton Foundation. It is a series of brief essays from well known scientists and academics responding to the question, “Does the universe have a purpose?” Among the respondents is Elie Wiesel. Wiesel is...
http://youtube.com/v/TNCnxA91fHE Very troubling. I have been aware of Billy Graham's evolving theology for years. In this unfortunate episode he makes it quite clear where he stands.
http://youtube.com/v/mC2WPR7q4pU It may surprise many Christians to know how many of their fellows do not believe in the necessity of faith in Christ if one is to be saved. But it is common among Chritsians to believe that there are other ways to salvation for those who never hear the Gospel. But...
Justin Taylor has posted a pretty convincing endorsement of Mike Huckabee ( Mike Huckabee ).
Early Monday morning the pastoral staff of Metro East is heading out to Washington D.C. We will be attending the "Gospel Growth vs. Church Growth" conference to be held at Capitol Hill Baptist Church. In light of that, I am linking to an interview of Mark Dever who is the pastor at CHBC ( Healthy...
This was posted by Phil Johnson. It is about as cool a story as I have heard in a long time ( As Good as It Gets ). Be sure to read the post before going to the radio replay. This should get you into the weekend in a good mood.
The following is an article by Tim Keller called "The Gospel and Prayer." Principles One of the most basic things that the gospel does is change prayer from mere petition to fellowship and the praise of his glory. Galatians 4:6-7 teaches us that when we believe the gospel, we not only become God's...
http://youtube.com/v/zrw81G0Z5u0 Rush (the 3 Canadian guys)have been recording for 30 years. They are the best musicians in Rock. As a confirmed Rush fan I offer you a live version of "Red Barchetta."
Most of us who grew up in evangelical churches were taught that the answers to everything from the presence of evil in the world to the population of heaven were ultimately due to human free will. It was almost reflexive. In fact, it would seem from many of the sermons and evangelistic invitations...