I am in Houston for my first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. I may or may not have more to post on this experience later. The reason for this post is to highlight an exciting new resource from Great Commission Publications (GCP). For those of you who don't know, GCP is the...
Congratulations to Westminster Theological Seminary for their wise appointment of Dr. Iain Duguid as Professor of Old Testament. I have long been helped by Dr. Duguid's outstanding work. Westminster Bookstore is currently offering three of Dr. Duguid's commentaries for the low price of $20 (that's...
A loyal Ref21 reader recently made me aware of this shameless example of self-promotion:
Now that Kevin DeYoung has weighed in quite effectively on the most recent flap over the justification/sanctification debate I suppose any words from me would be superfluous. However, I am a preacher so silence is not an option. But given DeYoung's excellent post I have greatly altered what I had...
In which I throw in my two cents about the selective outrage over a jerk and his sin.
The following is the video of the discussion between Trueman, Leithart, and Sanders at Biola University...
Actually, I was sort of hoping Paul and I would disagree so sharply that a series of angry and increasingly sarcastic posts would follow, thus upping our readership. Alas, it does not appear that such a deep disagreement has occurred. But there is always time my friends. I am not quite as sanguine...
I was a little puzzled by Paul Levy's gentle disagreement with Rick Phillip's strong disagreement with Tim Keller's assertion that our ministries ought to be measured by their fruitfulness. I think I understand why Paul is not interested in the old school/new school divide within the American...
David Murray has written a great little post entitled "Body Theology for Teens." Parents, this would be a helpful discussion starter with your children. Here is a sample: 5. Protect: As the believer's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), you should care for it better than you would...
Unfortunately I was not able to attend this year's Together for the Gospel conference. I hated to miss out. Each year has been a blessing. After hearing a few of the messages now it is clear that this year's T4G was no exception. The messages are available HERE . I can tell you this much: You...