This week the MOS podcast features an interview with Dr. Tom Acol on the subject of Calvinism in the Southern Baptist Convention. When I came to embrace the Doctrines of Grace as a young SBC pastor Tom Ascol and Founder’s Ministries were a big help for me. The issue of Calvinism continues to...
Our friend Carl Trueman is one of the featured speakers at this year's Shepherds Conference at Grace Community Church. That is in Southern California for those of you who may not know. And what fits better in Southern California than a pasty white English history professor? Word has it that...
Gary Demar delves into the angry mind of Frank Schaeffer . It is a dark place. Recently the pathologically angry Schaeffer fired off a screed directed at a Christian publishing house and the president of its parent company. Scaeffer's complaint? The Christian publishing house chose not to...
Recently the MOS crew had the pleasure of spending some time at Cairn University. During that time we sat down with Jonathan Master for a conversation. You can check it out HERE .
Carl Trueman on Wesleyan University and our ever expanding gender categories . Denny Burk has written a good piece on how "consent" fails when it is the only boundary to sexual expression. "Abortion is an Attempt to Project Strength" by Steven Wedgeworth Lord willing, the MOS...
Charles Spurgeon suggested that the pastoral prayer may be the most important element of the church’s corporate worship. That may have been a bit of hyperbole. It may even be apocryphal. But I would suggest that a time for the pastor to publicly intercede for the people he serves should...
It was bound to happen. Actually I feel quite stupid for missing an opportunity to prophesy this rather unsurprising event. It seems that Carl Lentz and his New York Hillsong franchise are now going to be managed by the William Morris Agency out of Hollywood. A more fitting relationship I cannot...
This Sunday I am beginning a four week hiatus from my current sermon series through the Book of Acts in order to preach a brief series addressing gender and homosexuality. As I am sure you know our culture has, with stunning rapidity, normalized homosexuality and deconstructed the very notion of...
The church is both blessed and cursed by its well-known pastors. Some like T.D. Jakes and Joyce Meyer and Brian McLaren have distorted the gospel and done great damage to the church. Others however have blessed the church by contending faithfully for the truth and advancing the gospel of Jesus...
No surprises HERE . What is sad is that the market for heavenly tourism books will remain high. On a related note, perhaps Lifeway will begin to seriously examine and reconsider the sorts of books they sell. The culture has probably been lost . If you believe what Christians have always believed...