On the most recent edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit , Carl, Aimee, and I discuss the dreadful state of evangelical reading habits. Certainly there are some excellent books and publishers out there. But it takes only a moment perusing the Christian bestseller lists to understand that...
If you want to get people mad at you (I mean really mad) just criticize Beth Moore’s teaching. Trust me on this. Many a young pastor has found himself being roasted over the rhetorical bonfire of women’s ministry meetings for daring to raise concerns about Beth Moore’s rather...
Great stuff from Rick Phillips on whether evolution is compatible with the Scriptures. On a related note, Rachel Miller raises an appropriate concern regarding N.T. Wright . I have been quite concerned for some time now why it is that some of my PCA bretheren seem to be enthralled with Dr. Wright...
A few months ago Carl, Aimee, and I had the priviledge of having a public conversation with Kent Hughes about preaching and ministry. I was moved not only by Dr. Hughes' graciousness but grateful for the wisdom that the Lord has given him after years in ministry. Here are a few titles worth...
In this week's Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit we explore the issue of the content of our sung praise. Along the way Carl and Aimee offer dramatic readings of their personal favorites...
It is Christmas Eve and I wanted that special gift for Trueman to enjoy. I passed THIS along to him. Sermon Audio - Last week I preached from Matthew 1:18-25. You can check it out HERE . We have heard much about injustice in recent months. It is a worthy subject to be sure, especially for...
This week's Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit addresses the issue of battered pastors. Having gone through an experience of battering for several years, it is a topic near and dear to my heart. Take time to listen to the discussion HERE . The following are the books we mention: New Life in...
Systematic Theology Vol. 2 by Douglas Kelly This is my pick for “Book of the Year.” I love the way Dr. Kelly writes. The second volume in his Systematic Theology is beautifully written and well ordered. It is theology the way it ought to be written. As he does in the first volume Kelly...
In September of 2013 I took vows as a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. Two months later I was officially installed as Lead Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia. For all of this I am profoundly grateful. There were all sorts of things that led to my...
Last Sunday I continued preaching through the Book of Acts. The sermon is entitled "The Death of Dying" and was taken from Acts 9:32-43. It is the account of Peter's healing of Aeneas and the raising of Tabitha. Along the way I deal with the purpose of miracles. The following are some...