I found two articles this morning worth passing along here. While they are unrelated they nevertheless have something to say about the aesthetic that is evangelicalism. The first post by David Murray concerns forgiveness. Murray asks if we are obligated (indeed, is it even possible) to forgive...
It was kind of Tim Challies to link to the latest episode of Mortification of Spin . However, in his plug for the program he wrote: In this podcast Carl Trueman and the rest of his Mortification of Spin crew have a discussion about Sarah Young's mega-selling, mega-problematic Jesus Calling. "Carl...
After announcing that it would hire practicing homosexuals, World Vision released a statement today saying they have reversed that decision. The letter from Richard Stearns (President) and Jim Ber?? (Chairman of the World Vision U.S. Boar) reads in part: In our board's effort to unite around the...
Dr. Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary delivered the second annual Spurgeon Lecture at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. It is well worth the time to listen.
Jeremie - You Britts take yourselves way too seriously. That said, I understand your sensitivity. We Americans have not always appreciated some of your more important contributions to Western civilization...
Holy Trinity Brompton is an evangelical powerhouse in Great Brittan. What is more, through their well known Alpha Course , HTB is a world-wide presence. There is much to admire and appreciate about HTB and the Alpha Course. But, in my mind, the things to be concerned about are significant. In a...
Given my previous post , I thought it would be a good idea to pass along a recommendation for an outstanding book on the nature of work and vocation. It is by Lutheran thinker Gene Veith and is entitled God At Work . I highly recommend this helpful book for individual reading and group discussion...
It appears as though our demise will be more Huxleyan than Orwellian.
I'm thinking about starting a support group for Calvinists who have been mistreated by Arminians, Mennonites, Amish, Mormons, Hindus, stamp collectors, and reside nts of New Jersey. More seriously, I do wonder what is behind the "Calvinists are meanies" posts to which we are treated routinely. Don'...
One week from this Sunday I will begin preaching a series through Acts. I'm looking forward to it. The preparation has been rewarding as it is every time the opportunity comes to study and outline a book of the Bible. As is always the case, I cull through a lot of resources in the preparation time...