On Friday, Carl and I spent the better part of the day recording new epis odes of the Mortification of Spin . We were joined by the Housewife Theologian herself, Aimee Byrd to talk about things like modesty, Halloween and the theology of preaching. We also spent some time with Gloria Furman about...
It was bound to happen. Sooner or later, Carl and I would violate one of the vague rules of evangelical decorum. In a recent edition of our humble little 12 minute podcast, The Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit , Carl Trueman and I critiqued comments made by two mega-church pastors at a recent...
Much ink has been spilt over the situation in Ferguson. One article that is particularly worth reading is this piece by Tom Chantry . Dan Philips also made a worthy contribution to the conversation HERE . I am really enjoying Greg Beale's new book God Dwells Among Us . It is a brief and...
After wading through some of the less than helpful and, frankly, pandering comments about Ferguson from some well known white evangelical "leaders" I found the peice by Voddie Baucham to be a most necessary corrective. You can read it HERE . White evangelicals need to read Baucham's...
You won't want to miss the new conference sponsored by the good folks at Mortification of Spin. It is entitled "LOITER." We can hardly wait! When - TBD Where - A small OPC church somewhere in flyover country. Cost - $1.25 (plus tax) Speakers - You've never heard of them. Plenary...
I am currently preaching through the Book of Acts . Last Sunday I preached on Paul’s conversion from Acts 9:1-19a. It’s the sort of text that seems to preach itself. Paul is God’s great object lesson of grace. In his first epistle to Timothy Paul affirms just that. God saved him,...
Biologos has as its mission to spread the message that the Bible cannot be relied upon as a trustworthy guide to human origins (or anything else related to creation). If Biologos were an arm of a secular university or agnostic think tank, that agenda would make perfect sense. But the profane irony...
I deeply appreciate John Piper. His ministries of preaching and writing have meant a great deal to me over the years. I pray that the Lord will continue to use him to bless His church. I point that out because I am not a guy who makes it a point to hate on Piper. I don’t consider it cutting...
In the late 1980’s George Barna, Christian pollster extraordinaire, warned the church that if she didn’t get with the program and become relevant to modern Americans then she risked utter marginalization. He urged pastors to begin marketing the church the way successful companies market their...
More on the qualifications for elders from "Pure Church" ( Sober, Gentle, Peacemaking ).