If you are new to Ref21 then you ought to know that we believe things like baptism and church governance are important. I will stick my head into the current cage match just long enough to suggest some excellent books on the subject of baptism. Obviously Christian baptism is a subject which cannot...
Finally, a Bible for those of us who have not gone mainstream. It is a Bible that is for us who wear tight plaid shirts and sport handlebar mustaches.
Carl got a shout out from Dr. Jason Allen, President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (my Alma mater). Sometimes I think Carl Trueman single-handedly preserves equilibrium in the universe with Joel & Victoria Osteen. The former is lucid, biblical, and relentlessly convictional. The...
I recently began reading Homespun Gospel: The Triumph of Sentimentality in Contemporary American Evangelicalism by Todd Brenneman. Dr. Brenneman is Assistant Professor of Christian History at Faulkner University. His knowledge of the sentimental heart of American evangelicalism is, I'm sure, quite...
On December 5-7 Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, SC will be hosting their annual Charleston Christmas Conference on Reformed Theology . The theme is "The Nativity and the Cross." This year's speakers are Drs. Carl Trueman and Harry Reeder. God has given us many good gifts to enjoy even in...
I am currently preaching through Job and previously posted links to the commentaries/resources that have been most helpful to me. I have also been helped by a number of books on the theme of suffering. Here are the ones I have turned to most frequently: God in the Shadows by Brian Morley A Place...
Allow me to interrupt all this substance for something really important. It has come to my attention that our own Carl Trueman has an avocation of which he seems quite passionate. I do not know if this presents any problem for his reputation as a serious historian or OPC pastor. I had to say a...
The death of Robin Williams has sparked a lot conversations about depression and suicide. It has also generated no small amount of sentimental nonsense from the world of broad evangelicalism. Wishes of "Rest In Peace," "Genie, you are free," "Now he is free from the pain," etc. can be seen across...
On The Brink: Grace for the Burned Out Pastor is the title of a new book by Clay Werner. I don't know of another book on the subject quite like it. Werner does a faithful job of offering encouragement, some correction, and much hope for the weary pastor. Throughout Werner demonstrates the necessity...
Last week (June 17-20) the 42nd annual General Assembly of the PCA was held in Houston, TX. Being a rather newly minted Teaching Elder in the PCA, this was my first General Assembly. For the most part I was encouraged. Here are a few of my observations: 1. It was great to meet and spend time with...