I have been preaching through the Book of Acts on Sunday mornings. It has been a blessing for me for all the reasons it is usually a blessing to be engaged weekly in sermon preparation and preaching to God’s people. One of the characteristic features of the Book of Acts is the blessed...
Some friends and I were recently talking about the book When the Wicked Seize a City by Chuck & Donna McIlhenny. Pastor McIlhenny served as pastor of First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in San Francisco beginning in the 1970’s. It was during those years that Pastor McIlhenny and the church...
Recently Pastor Scott Sauls of Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Nashville posted an open letter of sorts to his fellow Christians. In it he expresses sorrow over a column by the New York Times’ Frank Bruni which predicts a coming collision between Christians and homosexuals. Of course, the...
Lifeway, a publishing arm of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination will no longer be promoting and selling Heaven tourism books . This is good news. If you are unfamiliar with the term, Heaven tourism refers to books like 90 Minutes in Heaven and Heaven is for Real in which the authors...
Lifeway, a publishing arm of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination will no longer be promoting and selling Heaven tourism books . This is good news. If you are unfamiliar with the term, Heaven tourism refers to books like 90 Minutes in Heaven and Heaven is for Real in which the authors...
Desperately seeking relevance, the habitually dwindling Disciples of Christ denomination announced that Indiana, having had the audacity to pass a version of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act, will not be host to their annual denominational convention. Once again the Disciples of Christ...
I read the following three books by Eugene Peterson while I was a young youth pastor. They were extremely helpful in challenging many of the assumptions I had learned in a mega-church culture. Five Smooth Stones for Pastoral Ministry Working the Angles Under the Unpredictable Plant The Christian...
Many of you are no doubt familiar with the sad tale of Congressman Aaron Schock. Representative Schock recently announced his resignation from the House amid scandals involving his spending habits. It seems Mr. Schock loves the high life. He famously, or infamously, spent many thousands of tax...
Christianity Today seems eager to rescue the good reputation of Margaret Sanger and show us the softer side of eugenics. If you don’t read Ray Bradburry you are impoverishing yourself. Check out this piece on Bradburry’s moral imagination. Does anyone know how I can land a complementary...
Over at Scot McKnight's blog David Moore has written what is sure to be a provocative post . He does what many are not willing to do. He criticizes The Gospel Coalition. Certainly there is nothing small, petty, or mean about Moore's criticism. His words are thoughtful and his critique is...