I don’t like controversy even though I write things which, judging by my inbox, get me into a little hot water now and again. We are a soft generation so I understand how any willingness to confront error or rebuke one who spreads it seems to be mean-spirited, Pharisaical, or lacking in...
I have never seen a time when discussions and debates about homosexuality and gender identity were more ubiquitous as they are today. And with those discussions have come much confusion, error, and sin. We all know about denominations like the PC(USA), the United Methodists, Disciples of Christ,...
Pastors, like all Christians, struggle with sin. And, like all Christians, pastors need grace. But when a pastor falls to those sins which disqualify him from this role of spiritual overseer he also needs the correction and accountability of the church. He needs clear speech and direction not...
So much can and should be said in response to the horrific murders that occurred in Charleston, SC at Emanuel AME Church. But one thing is for certain, the actions of the murderer cannot be adequately described in anything less that theological language. What the murderer did was evil. Yes, it was...
I recently read a publically posted message from a fellow PCA pastor wherein he graciously welcomes all kinds of folks to attend the church he serves as pastor. He invites the young and old, male and female, married and single, white and black. You get the picture. It’s the right message...
The evangelical world has been not-so-rocked by Tony Campolo’s recent declaration of support for homosexual unions. Specifically he has joined the cacophony of voices calling the church to embrace as members practicing homosexuals; to pronounce as wholesome the sin of homosexuality. Others...
Like many of you I find myself wondering from time-to-time why it is that Joel Osteen is able to attract such massive crowds to his church and stadium events. And those books! How is it that there are more than a dozen or so people willing to buy his books? I think I have the answer. I have been...
By now you have no doubt heard the troubling news concerning Josh Duggar of the immensely successful television program 19 Kids and Counting . Many others have weighed in already. It is an important story not least of all because it gives the church another opportunity to think about how it should...
The following are some books that I have read in the past few months. Each one is well worth reading. The Happy Christian by David Murray Those looking for simplistic sentimentalism should look elsewhere. But for those who would like a robust and hopeful theology for a life that is happy in Christ...
I was interested to read Dr. Bryan Chapell’s piece in By Faith on the current tensions in the PCA between what he calls traditionalists and progressives. Not surprisingly Dr. Chapell’s piece is gracious and helpful in some ways. I share his hope that the PCA will remain united. I share...