Thanks to Justin Taylor for posting a remembrance of Lloyd-Jones who died 30 years ago today. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPhtyC3GsjM]
The Latest Nine Marks Journal is available. The theme of this issue is the relationship between the church and the parachurch. • J. Mack Stiles, Nine Marks of a Healthy Parachurch Ministry . A longtime parachurch veteran lays out nine things that should keep a parachurch ministry faithful to the...
Afghanistan continues to be a place where it is dangerous to be a Christian. It is particularly dangerous to convert from Islam to Christianity. Such a conversion carries with it a death sentence. Those who do convert know that they are potentially laying down their lives. Thanks to Denny Burk for...
The newest release from Cruciform Press sounds like an interesting one: The Organized Heart: A Woman's Guide to Conquering Chaos . From the Publisher: The fight against chaos is universal, whether it be the outward chaos of disorder and frenzy or the inward chaos of fear and self-criticism. Even if...
Jim Hamilton asks the question, "Would Rob Bell rob God of glory?" The question is appropriate for anyone who dismisses the biblical doctrine of hell. Dr. Hamilton writes: If there’s no hell , God can’t be trusted because he doesn’t keep his word and therefore doesn’t do justice, and if there’s no...
Worth Reading... Hell Under Fire , Morgan & Peterson ed. What is Hell? by Morgan & Peterson Hell on Trial by Robert Peterson Heaven and Hell by Edward Donnelly
Thanks to my wife for calling my attention to this stunning interview . Near the end of the interview Reiko Rizzuto reflects on what would have happened if she had returned to her family. She would have done "that thing that I didn't want to do, which was give up my life...for someone else." What...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9dpmp_-TY0]
I have posted this before but it is worth hearing again: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTc_FoELt8s]
On Wednesday I was able to attend the annual Gaffin Lecture Westminster Theological Seminary. Al Mohler was the speaker and his lecture was entitled: "On the Other Side of Complexity: Christian Conviction in the Late Modern Age." It is an academic lecture, not a sermon so don't expect a long string...