From The Book Surgeon HT: Tim Challies
"One thing is clear to us, we cannot be expected to meet in any union which comprehends those whose teachings on fundamental points is exactly the reverse of that which we hold dear. Cost what it may, to separate ourselves from those who separate themselves from the truth of God is not alone our...
Thanks to Denny Burk for linking to Rob Bell's appearance on Good Morning America. The story features a tweet posted from Josh Harris which gets to the point: “There’s nothing loving about preaching a false gospel.” The report also features Al Mohler representing the historic, orthodox consensus: “...
The latest flap over Rob Bell's views of hell and salvation have raised once again the post-modern infatuation with doubt and uncertainty. Even as post-modernism has largely been consigned to the intellectual trash bin, the emergent kids still think it is cutting edge. "We're into questions, not...
The latest controversy over the doctrine of hell has raised the larger of issue of Christian doctrine in general. It is no surprise that there are certain doctrines, not least of all the gospel itself (1 Cor 1:18ff) which offend modern sensabilities. The project of liberal theology since...
When Zondervan says you do not fit within the parameters of their mission, you know you're in trouble. Zondervan (along with IVP) pretty much defines broad margin, big tent evangelicalism these days. Large publishing houses like Zondervan are also very fond of books that sell (imagine that!). That...
“Many in the church today have universalism simply as a hope. Though they may not preach it dogmatically, they don’t eliminate the possibility that all will be saved in the end. We may call them the ‘wishful universalists.’ I have been told numerous times that there are many ‘closet universalists’...
On Sunday I preached part 7 in the current series God's Great Story: How the Gospel Changes Everything . It is entitled "The Incarnate God" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Tim Challies has written a helpful review of Rob Bell's new book Love Wins . A God who would allow people to go to hell is not a great God, according to Bell, and the traditional belief that He would is “devastating … psychologically crushing … terrifying and traumatizing and unbearable” (pp. 136-7...
Gospel Coalition Booklets , D.A. Carson & Tim Kellor (ed.)