The other day Brian McLaren decided to point out Al Mohler's many errors in his critique of Rob Bell's Love Wins . It's the usual post-modern emergent fogginess. You know the routine. It's the, "We can't really know the Gospel so we can't really critique another person's version because it's only...
Last Sunday evening I preached a message on Hell. Specifically I preached on why Jesus warned so often about Hell and the coming outpouring of God's wrath. The sermon is entitled "The Other Side of the Good News" and can be listened to or downloaded it HERE .
“There’s nothing wrong with talking and singing about how the ‘Blood will never lose its power’ and ‘Nothing but the blood will save us.' Those are powerful metaphors. But we don’t live any longer in a culture in which people offer animal sacrifices to the gods. “People did live that way for...
"In light of what we have considered, we see that it is inaccurate to talk about free will, as though there were an autonomous thing inside of us, capable of acting in any direction, regardless of the motives of our hearts. If such a thing existed -- a creature who made choices apart from the...
At the risk of picking on Rob Bell I am going to post another critique of "Love Wins." It is by Greg Gilbert. Greg's focus is on just a few details that Bell gets terribly wrong. This matters because Rob Bell is a bit of a rock star and is selling gazillions of books and dvd's. Therefore when he...
Michael Horton continues his thorough review of Love Wins HERE and HERE . You can read parts one and two HERE .
Wes Pastor (great name for a pastor!) wrote a terrific post for the Gospel Coalition. He is the founding pastor of Christ Memorial Church which is the largest baptist church in Vermont. In his post, Pastor recalls how Johnathan Edwards, himself a New England pastor, warned his congregation in...
"Find if you can, beloved, one occasion in which Jesus inculcated doubt or bade men dwell in uncertainty. The apostles of unbelief are everywhere today, and they imagine that they are doing God service by spreading what they call “honest doubt.” This is death to all joy! Poison to all peace!... "I...
Michael Horton continues his review of Love Wins : For me, the greatest danger of Bell’s interpretation in this book is his view of Christ’s cross. Obviously, if there is no wrath or judgment, then whatever Christ achieved for us on the cross cannot be understood in terms of a vicarious substitute...
Last week Al Mohler moderated a panel discussion on Rob Bell's "Love Wins." Check it out HERE .